Data Privacy Policy (GDPR)

Welcome to our page explaining and detailing our policy for the collection and processing of personal data. This page explains what we collect, how we manage this data and the person to contact (DPO) in the event of a request to consult, modify or delete your personal data.

Megabestchoice commitment:
In a logic of respect for the private life of its Users, ANDROMEDE MEDIA SARL (the legal entity managing the site – see our legal notices) undertakes that the collection and processing of personal information, carried out within this site, are carried out in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

This is commonly referred to as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Specifically, the GDPR takes into account:
Improving user consent when collecting data
Traceability and high security of user data
The right of the Internet user to consult, modify or delete his data

Personal data collected on Megabestchoice:
Comments: storage of your comment(s) with your e-mail address, your name or nickname, your IP address.
Questions / answers: storage of your questions / answers with your e-mail address, your name or nickname.
The newsletter: storage of your email address and your name or nickname.
Uses of data:
Comments and questions/answers: the email address is used to send you the answers to your comments and questions/answers. The nickname is displayed on the site and makes it possible to identify a comment in case another user wishes to quote it. The email address is not displayed on the site, nor disclosed to third parties.
Newsletters: the email address is used to send you newsletters. Your email cannot be present on our list, only if you have registered via a newsletter form. Likewise, the email address is not displayed on the site, nor disclosed to third parties.


the personal data we collect about you is and will never be disclosed or sold to third parties.
They are only used in the 3 cases mentioned above. In addition, if you have posted a comment without subscribing to the newsletter, you will not be part of our newsletter list (there is not and there will never be any communicating vessels between our 3 lists).
Important :

Your email and IP address will never be disclosed on our site.
Only is displayed on the site and can be consulted by all: your nickname. (We therefore encourage you not to put your real name, and to put a nickname that does not allow users to identify you. If this is not the case, you can send us a modification request – see below ).


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